Friday, March 12, 2010

Sales and Marketing. Marketing Ideas.

Marketing Ideas.

I have been learning myself, in hit-and-miss fashion, what type of marketing works
and what does not. Just as in poker, everything is a gamble. What may work for me,
might not work for you. So the only thing I can do is to merely suggest ideas. It's no
secret that my business success has been based on my resources that I have listed in
this book. However. I ll be the first to admit that my advertising and marketing skills
have been mediocre, to say the least. I have this little thing with solicitors. I imagine
I have been very biased. Well frankly. I think my one-sided opinion is based solely on
the fact that I can't stand door-to-door sales people, or telemarketers. I do always
appreciate the networking resources that are doing the hardest job for me! After
successfully selling my "services." 1 was in many positions to sell "products." such as
this book. But I didn't want to fail as I did with another venture, so I sought out the
experts in the field. Through a chance encounter - I think it was my karma finally
coming back around my way - I met Paul and Sarah Edwards. They are the homebased
business King and Queen, with over 16 published books that touch on just
about every subject related to successful Self-Employment and Life Coaching. I
learned that Sarah Edwards offers an online course for non-marketing individuals
such as myself, so 1 signed up. The course is $295 for 12 weeks and is based upon
their book -Getting Business to Come to You. 2nd Edition." available at or at book outlets. The book not only gives you incredible advice on
what works and what doesn't, but opens your eyes to what you have been doing
wrong. Advertising is an expensive lesson, especially if it doesn't work. You can
spend thousands upon thousands of dollars throwing good money after bad money,
and when you're trying to build a successful business, you're usually blind to your
mistakes until it's too late. This online course goes through the chapters in their
book, teaching you along the way. Sarah Edwards not only guides you through the
process, she also reviews your ideas and work through weekly online posts to keep
your enthusiasm up and going. She also helps you build a marketing plan and follows
through with you as you are implementing it. I loved the course because it really
opened my eyes to what I didn't like about advertising and marketing, and gave me
options for what I do like. It makes you want to market, not dread it. It gives you
cost-cutting ideas so you don't spend your entire bankroll guessing. I truly believe
this course is well worth the small investment, and if you sign up. mention this book and Sarah Edwards will give you a 10% discount on the price. I have included a
coupon with the 10% discount for the marketing course in the Additional Resource
Chapter of this book. For more information, the website is located at:

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