Friday, March 12, 2010

Sales and Marketing. A General List of Businesses that relate to your services.

A General List of Businesses that relate to your services.

Workers Compensation Insurance Companies - They carry the insurance
policies for Workers Compensation. They are a very good resource for clients. They
see how the books arc kept while preparing an audit. If they feel the client has a
situation at hand where their books arc a complete disaster, they can refer you. You
in return can refer a Payroll Service. CPA Firm and a Bookkeeping Forms Company.
The list can go on and on. Word of mouth works wonders. Not to jump to a different
topic but 100% of my work came from these referrals that I am sharing with you. I
have never done any type of advertising, marketing or even soliciting. That doesn't
mean that you shouldn't. I think that you need to proceed with every reliable resource to become successful. I was just fortunate to find the right people to promote my business to.

Insurance Companies — Target the ones that provide Business Insurance. Ceneral
Liability. Auto. Professional and Bond Insurance. The best way to get your feet in the
door with these companies is to contact them when you are price shopping for your
client's insurance needs.

Investment Brokers - You would be surprised by the referrals you could receive
from an Investment Broker. They deal with businesses that are looking for 401k's.
Employee Profit Sharing, and additional investment packages. I have received many
solicitations and phone calls from Investment Brokers to obtain my business for those
related items when 1 was working for someone else.

Health Insurance Companies - They are trying to find clients just like you are.
promoting their health insurance to businesses. They are a very good resource for
business referrals.

IRS or State Auditors — Believe it or not. IRS and State Agents hate to begin an
Audit with a business owner who literally has a box of receipts. In this book. I will
explain how to prepare an Audit package for your client to present to the IRS that can
save your client a great deal of money. Try to meet with an agent and let them know
what you can do to help make their job easier.

Law Firms - About 80% of the time there are small Law Firm practices loeated
within a bigger firm just leasing office space. They tend to do all of their billing and
accounting themselves. Because they charge at least $150 per hour, that is valuable
time wasted billing clients and paying bills, when they could pay you to do everything
in just one day per week. Two of my clients were Law Firms: one I did the Audit for.
as well as Financial Investigations. Lawyers can keep you very busy! The reason is
that they charge such a high hourly rate: S40 per hour to them is minimal. But it
takes them almost twice as long as you to complete all of their bookkeeping needs;
you could complete the work in half the time. Let's say it takes an attorney twelve
hours (1 Иг days) to complete everything, and it takes you eight hours. They have
wasted $1.800 per week in their billable time when they could have paid you $320 to
do the work quicker and most likely more efficiently.

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